Metarealism is the individual painting style of Warron Prentice.
It is an ever-changing
metamorphosis of Realism, Surrealism, Abstract and the Imaginative.

Examples of Metarealistic images.

TheNecMaskoftheHeadofEgnogibalden.gif (61495 bytes)
The Necromatic Mask of the Head of Egnogibalden

Metarealism1Light.gif (100074 bytes) META1-Head1.gif (87804 bytes)
META1-Head2.gif (45559 bytes)
Metarealism 1 Head 1 from
Meta 1
Head 2 from
Meta 1

Metarealism2DLight.gif (60958 bytes)

Meta2Head1.gif (18970 bytes)
META2-Head2.gif (41576 bytes)
Metarealism 2 Head 1 from
Meta 2
Head 2 from
Meta 2
Metarealism3Light.gif (75430 bytes)
Meta3Head1.gif (15542 bytes)
Meta3Head2.gif (24764 bytes)
Metarealism 3  Head 1 from
Meta 3
Head 2 from
Meta 3
Metarealism4Dark.gif (86801 bytes) Meta4Head1.gif (68097 bytes)
Meta4Head2.gif (12728 bytes)
Metarealism 4 Head 1 from
Meta 4
Head 2 from
Meta 4
AbstractionofMeta2Head2.gif (40403 bytes)
EnargDark.gif (63056 bytes)
HawktheHeadofSorrowDark.gif (56703 bytes)
Abstraction of Metarealism 2 Head 2  The Birth of Enarg Hawk the Head of Sorrow

TriMetaGastrapods.gif (44156 bytes)
FishKeeperofSecrets&TheEyeoftheDeepDarkpng.gif (47996 bytes)
TheEyeoftheDeep.gif (87825 bytes)
Tri-Meta Gastropods Fish Keeper of Secrets and the Eye of the Deep The Eye of the Deep

FishDoc&Moon2.gif (85905 bytes)
META2-Egnogibalden.gif (101093 bytes)
Fish Doctor Universe and the Moon  Egnogibalden

Examples of Other Modern Paintings.

TheMusicianDark.gif (92191 bytes)
InSearchoftheEye2.gif (96964 bytes)
InSearchoftheEyeLarge.gif (151989 bytes)
The Musician  In Search of the Eye 2 Enlargement of In Search of the Eye 2

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